Jayex Healthcare’s queue management division acquired by VitalHub Corporation
Our parent organisation, Canada based software for health and human services specialist, VitalHub Corporation (VitalHub), has announced it has acquired Jayex Systems, the hospital queue management division of Jayex Healthcare.
The acquisition will see Jayex Systems become part of VitalHub’s UK-based specialist digital patient flow management subsidiary company, Intouch with Health, part of the VitalHub UK Group.
“The acquisition means that we now have a patient flow presence in over 150 hospitals worldwide and in the UK alone manage 51% of all outpatient appointments.”
Mike Sanders, Chief Executive Officer at VitalHub UK Group, said: “VitalHub UK Group has been familiar with Jayex Healthcare for a number of years, especially as Jayex Systems operated in the same space as our own digital patient flow technology brand, Intouch with Health. The acquisition means that we now have a patient flow presence in over 150 hospitals worldwide and in the UK alone manage 51% of all outpatient appointments.
“The acquisition of Jayex Systems represents further growth for Vital Hub Corporation and the Vital Hub UK Group, further strengthening Intouch with Health’s growing portfolio of market-leading digital patient flow management solutions that support hospitals and healthcare organisations across the globe, every day.
“At Group level, the acquisition will support our drive to gain further market share on an international scale, particularly in Australia where Jayex is well established as a key player for hospital queue management and patient flow management technology.”
Dan Matlow, Chief Executive Officer at VitalHub Corporation, said: “We are pleased to welcome Jayex Systems customers to Intouch with Health, and look forward to working with them understand how our entire product portfolio can support them further with digital patient journey management.”