How it works
Designed to deliver quality improvement in healthcare settings by accurately capturing outcome and procedure codes, eOutcomes replaces paper outcome forms with a digital appointment outcome form that is easy to use, accurate and instantly updates to the patient administration system.
In addition to delivering quality assurance in healthcare settings by ensuring accurate data capture, using eOutcomes to digitally record appointment outcomes can recover previously lost income by reducing the inaccuracies associated with paper trail audits and patients simply leaving an appointment with a paper form, without ever having the procedure code from their appointment recorded.
On average, payment for outpatient procedures equates to 18% of a Trust’s overall income. However, it's estimated that up to 10% of this is lost as a direct result of incomplete or misplaced paper outcome forms.
Implementing a process improvement project that removes paper trail and deploys Appointment eOutcomes to digitally record RTT and procedure codes can help to recover this income and deliver overall more efficient healthcare management processes.
By accurately recording information, eOutcome also supports those organisations on ‘Block Contracts’ by providing a comparison between accurate, captured information, against often historic ‘estimated’ levels of activity.
Key benefits
- Record 100% of outcome forms digitally
- Flawless data quality
- Auto creation of Follow-up lists with OPCS/ICD-10 & RTT codes
- Outpatient outcomes and procedure codes instantly updates to PAS
- Financial benefits for the Trust - recover previously lost income by reducing the inaccuracies associated with paper trail audits
- Removes need for paper outcome forms and the associated validation process
- Clinicians’ decision actioned instantly
- Improved clinic efficiency and time saving
- Clinician job plans run in parallel with clinical outcomes
- Integrated with Flow Manager
Packed with features
- Accurate capture of all outcome data, instantly updated to the PAS
- A single, digital form completed by the clinician at their computer immediately following an appointment
- Audit functions including ‘historic search by date’ to identify patients with incomplete Appointment eOutcome, and filter searches by specialty, clinic and clinician
- Clinician-activated ‘Action required’ functions to alert admin staff , including ‘book follow up appointment’
"In my view the introduction of the system has been a complete success. It has greatly improved the compliance of doctors completing outcome forms which has resulted in better capture of outpatient procedure and a dramatic increase in income.”Mathew Swabey – Programme Manager, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust