Intouch Announces Acquisition of Synopsis Healthcare
Intouch with Health is pleased to announce the acquisition of the business and assets of Synopsis Healthcare – the leading developer of software for pre-operative assessment for hospital patients.
Finalised on the 12th August 2019, the acquisition enhances the support Intouch can offer hospitals and Trusts worldwide. The Synopsis pre-operative assessment software complements the patient flow solutions developed by Intouch, and will offer hospitals even more exciting benefits, improvements and savings.
All Synopsis employees have seamlessly transferred over to Intouch, removing any possible disruption to existing Synopsis customers. All ongoing projects and services from Synopsis will continue uninterrupted and fully supported by Intouch.
“This is an incredibly exciting time. Synopsis will add to our existing product portfolio, help support growth, whilst widening our offering to our existing customers. The acquisition will allow us to present an end-to-end product that provides a link to the surgical pathway from our Outpatient flow offering. We will be the only provider to supply a joined-up patient pathway of this type,” said Mike Sanders, CEO, Intouch with Health.
Over the forthcoming weeks, further details will be released, but for now, Intouch would like to formally welcome on-board the new team members.
Shown in the image from left to right: Mike Sanders (CEO), Michael Applewhaite (Synopsis Regional Sales Director), Victoria Dand (Head of Synopsis Projects) and Dr Peter Houweling (Synopsis Medical Director). Martin Rooney (Synopsis Senior Developer) is not shown.
More About Synopsis
Synopsis is the complete pre-operative assessment system covering the entire process from initial questionnaire right through to post-op outcomes. Synopsis delivers clear economic and organisational benefits, and makes care more efficient, and safer. Synopsis is ISO9001 (Quality) and ISO27001 (Security) accredited (having been re-accredited as recently as February 2019), and registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Synopsis iQ is registered with the MHRA as a Class 1 medical device.